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Functions for loading assets into the asset manager.

function yg.asset.clear()

Clears and deletes all previously loaded assets.

yg.asset.clear() -> void

function yg.asset.loadTexture()

Loads a texture or texture atlas (sprite sheet).

yg.asset.loadTexture(name, imgFilename, atlasFilename, unit, filter, wrapmode, mipmap) -> boolean (false on error)

Argument Type Info
name string Name of the texture to register it in the asset manager
imgFilename string Filename of the image to load
atlasFilename string Filename of the atlas file (.json) to load. May be ""
unit string GL texture unit. Options: "DIFFUSE"
filter string Texture filter mode. Options: "LINEAR", "NEAREST"
wrapmode string Texture wrap mode.
mipmap boolean Enable mipmapping. Options: true, false

function yg.asset.loadVertFragShader()

Loads a GL shader program consisting of a vertex and a fragment shader.

yg.asset.loadVertFragShader(name, vertFilename, fragFilename) -> boolean (false on error)

Argument Type Info
name string Name of the shader program to register it in the asset manager
vertFilename string Filename of the vertex shader code
fragFilename string Filename of the fragment shader code

function yg.asset.loadGeometry()

Loads a geometry file (.obj) with optional material library (.mtl).

yg.asset.loadGeometry(name, objFilename, mtlFilename) -> boolean (false on error)

Argument Type Info
name string Name of the shader program to register it in the asset manager
objFilename string Filename of the geometry file (.obj)
mtlFilename string Filename of the material library file (.mtl). May be ""

function yg.asset.getTexture()

Retrieves a previously loaded Texture from the asset manager.

yg.asset.getTexture(name) -> (nil on error)

Argument Type Info
name string Name of the Texture to retrieve

function yg.asset.getShader()

Retrieves a previously loaded Shader program from the asset manager.

yg.asset.getShader(name) -> (nil on error)

Argument Type Info
name string Name of the Shader program to retrieve

function yg.asset.getGeometry()

Retrieves a previously loaded Geometry from the asset manager.

yg.asset.getGeometry(name) -> (nil on error)

Argument Type Info
name string Name of the Geometry to retrieve

function yg.asset.destroyTexture()

Destroys a Texture and deletes reference from the asset manager.

yg.asset.destroyTexture(name) -> void

Argument Type Info
name string Name of the Texture to destroy

function yg.asset.destroyShader()

Destroys a Shader program and deletes reference from the asset manager.

yg.asset.destroyShader(name) -> void

Argument Type Info
name string Name of the Shader program to destroy

function yg.asset.destroyGeometry()

Destroys a Geometry and deletes reference from the asset manager.

yg.asset.destroyGeometry(name) -> void

Argument Type Info
name string Name of the Geometry to destroy

function yg.asset.numOfTexture()

Retrieves the number of Textures currently registered in the asset manager.

yg.asset.numOfTexture() -> number

function yg.asset.numOfShader()

Retrieves the number of Shader programs currently registered in the asset manager.

yg.asset.numOfShader() -> number

function yg.asset.numOfGeometry()

Retrieves the number of Geometries currently registered in the asset manager.

yg.asset.numOfGeometry() -> number