Classes for math.
class yg.math.Trafo
Represents a 3-dimensional homogeneous transform.
function yg.math.Trafo.rotateLocal()
Rotates the transform around local axis ax
by angle
yg.math.Trafo.rotateLocal(angle, ax)
Argument | Type | Info |
angle |
number | Radians to rotate |
ax |
string | Local rotation axis. Options: "X" , "Y" , "Z" |
function yg.math.Trafo.rotateGlobal()
Rotates the transform around global axis ax
by angle
yg.math.Trafo.rotateGlobal(angle, ax)
Argument | Type | Info |
angle |
number | Radians to rotate |
ax |
string | Global rotation axis. Options: "X" , "Y" , "Z" |
function yg.math.Trafo.translateLocal()
Translates the transform by local vector trans
Argument | Type | Info |
trans |
{number} | Local translation vector (array of 3 numbers) |
function yg.math.Trafo.translateGlobal()
Translates the transform by global vector trans
Argument | Type | Info |
trans |
{number} | Global translation vector (array of 3 numbers) |
function yg.math.Trafo.setScaleLocal()
Sets the (local) scale of the transform to scale
(array of 3 numbers), {x,y,z}-component.
Argument | Type | Info |
scale |
{number} | Scale to set (array of 3 numbers) |
function yg.math.Trafo.setRotation()
Sets the rotation of the transform from a quaternion.
Argument | Type | Info |
rot |
{number} | Quaternion to set rotation from (array of 4 numbers) |
function yg.math.Trafo.setTranslation()
Sets the translation of the transform.
Argument | Type | Info |
trans |
{number} | Vector to set translation from (array of 3 numbers) |
function yg.math.Trafo.pointTo()
Points the positive Z axis (Z+) of the transform to center
point, with transform origin eye
, respecting up vector up
yg.math.Trafo.pointTo(eye, center, up)
Argument | Type | Info |
eye |
{number} | Eye (origin) vector (array of 3 numbers) |
center |
{number} | Center vector (array of 3 numbers) |
up |
{number} | Up vector (array of 3 numbers) |
function yg.math.Trafo.lookAt()
Points the negative Z axis (Z-) of the transform to center
point, with transform origin eye
, respecting up vector up
. Typically used to create an extrinsic camera matrix to generate a view matrix during rendering.
yg.math.Trafo.lookAt(eye, center, up)
Argument | Type | Info |
eye |
{number} | Eye (origin) vector (array of 3 numbers) |
center |
{number} | Center vector (array of 3 numbers) |
up |
{number} | Up vector (array of 3 numbers) |
function yg.math.Trafo.lerp()
Performs linear interpolation of this transform to target
transform by using interpolation factor t
in [0,1].
yg.math.Trafo.lerp(t, target, dst)
Argument | Type | Info |
t |
number | Interpolation factor in [0,1] |
target |
yg.math.Trafo | Target transform to interpolate to |
dst |
yg.math.Trafo | Destination (output) transform |
function yg.math.Trafo.setIdentity()
Resets the transform. Resulting matrix is identity.
function yg.math.Trafo.getAxisLocal(ax)
Returns a local axis of the transform (array of 3 numbers), expressed in world system.
Argument | Type | Info |
ax |
string | Desired axis. Options: "X" , "Y" , "Z" |
function yg.math.Trafo.getAxisGlobal(ax)
Returns a global axis of the transform (array of 3 numbers).
-> {1, 0, 0}"Y"
-> {0, 1, 0}"Z"
-> {0, 0, 1}
Argument | Type | Info |
ax |
string | Desired axis. Options: "X" , "Y" , "Z" |
function yg.math.Trafo.getEye()
Returns the eye (origin) of the transform (array of 3 numbers).
function yg.math.Trafo.getRotation()
Returns the rotation of the transform as a quaternion (array of 4 numbers).
function yg.math.Trafo.getScale()
Returns the scale of the transform (array of 3 numbers).
class yg.math.Camera
Represents a camera with extrinsics (pose in world) and intrinsics (projection) in 3-dimensional space.
function yg.math.Camera.setPerspective()
Sets the camera to PERSPECTIVE
projection mode.
yg.math.Camera.setPerspective(fovy, aspect, zNear, zFar)
Argument | Type | Info |
fovy |
number | Vertical (Y) field of view [degrees] |
aspect |
number | Aspect ratio (width/height = X/Y) |
zNear |
number | Distance of near clipping plane |
zFar |
number | Distance of far clipping plane |
function yg.math.Camera.setOrthographic()
Sets the camera to ORTHOGRAPHIC
projection mode.
yg.math.Camera.setOrthographic(height, aspect, zNear, zFar)
Argument | Type | Info |
height |
number | Height of the view cuboid |
aspect |
number | Aspect ratio (width/height = X/Y) |
zNear |
number | Distance of near clipping plane |
zFar |
number | Distance of far clipping plane |
function yg.math.Camera.setFovy()
Sets the vertical (Y) field of view. Always set but only valid during PERSPECTIVE
projection mode.
Argument | Type | Info |
fovy |
number | Vertical (Y) field of view [degrees] |
function yg.math.Camera.setHeight()
Sets the height of the view cuboid. Always set but only valid during ORTHOGRAPHIC
projection mode.
Argument | Type | Info |
height |
number | Height of the view cuboid |
function yg.math.Camera.setAspect()
Sets the projection aspect ratio. Valid for both PERSPECTIVE
projection modes.
Argument | Type | Info |
aspect |
number | Aspect ratio (width/height = X/Y) |
function yg.math.Camera.setZNear()
Sets the distance of the near clipping plane. Valid for both PERSPECTIVE
projection modes.
Argument | Type | Info |
zNear |
number | Distance of near clipping plane |
function yg.math.Camera.setZFar()
Sets the distance of the far clipping plane. Valid for both PERSPECTIVE
projection modes.
Argument | Type | Info |
zFar |
number | Distance of far clipping plane |
function yg.math.Camera.rotateFirstPerson()
Rotates yaw and pitch angles of camera transform. Pitch is locked to [-pi/2, +pi/2]
yg.math.Camera.rotateFirstPerson(yaw, pitch)
Argument | Type | Info |
yaw |
number | Yaw angle to rotate (add) [Rad] |
pitch |
number | Pitch angle to rotate (add) [Rad] |
function yg.math.Camera.trafo()
Returns (a reference to) the transform of the camera (extrinsics).
function yg.math.Camera.castRay()
Casts a ray into the scene through viewport coordinates and returns it as an array of 6 numbers, representing the origin and direction of the ray: {org.x, org.y, org.z, dir.x, dir.y, dir.z}
yg.math.Camera.castRay(viewportX, viewportY)
Argument | Type | Info |
viewportX |
number | X-component of viewport coordinates to cast a ray through |
viewportY |
number | Y-component of viewport coordinates to cast a ray through |