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Classes for math.

class yg.math.Trafo

Represents a 3-dimensional homogeneous transform.


yg.math.Trafo() -> yg.math.Trafo

function yg.math.Trafo.rotateLocal()

Rotates the transform around local axis ax by angle radians.

yg.math.Trafo.rotateLocal(angle, ax) -> void

Argument Type Info
angle number Radians to rotate
ax string Local rotation axis. Options: "X", "Y", "Z"

function yg.math.Trafo.rotateGlobal()

Rotates the transform around global axis ax by angle radians.

yg.math.Trafo.rotateGlobal(angle, ax) -> void

Argument Type Info
angle number Radians to rotate
ax string Global rotation axis. Options: "X", "Y", "Z"

function yg.math.Trafo.translateLocal()

Translates the transform by local vector trans.

yg.math.Trafo.translateLocal(trans) -> void

Argument Type Info
trans {number} Local translation vector (array of 3 numbers)

function yg.math.Trafo.translateGlobal()

Translates the transform by global vector trans.

yg.math.Trafo.translateGlobal(trans) -> void

Argument Type Info
trans {number} Global translation vector (array of 3 numbers)

function yg.math.Trafo.setScaleLocal()

Sets the (local) scale of the transform to scale (array of 3 numbers), {x,y,z}-component.

yg.math.Trafo.setScaleLocal(scale) -> void

Argument Type Info
scale {number} Scale to set (array of 3 numbers)

function yg.math.Trafo.setRotation()

Sets the rotation of the transform from a quaternion.

yg.math.Trafo.setRotation(rot) -> void

Argument Type Info
rot {number} Quaternion to set rotation from (array of 4 numbers)

function yg.math.Trafo.setTranslation()

Sets the translation of the transform.

yg.math.Trafo.setTranslation(trans) -> void

Argument Type Info
trans {number} Vector to set translation from (array of 3 numbers)

function yg.math.Trafo.pointTo()

Points the positive Z axis (Z+) of the transform to center point, with transform origin eye, respecting up vector up.

yg.math.Trafo.pointTo(eye, center, up) -> void

Argument Type Info
eye {number} Eye (origin) vector (array of 3 numbers)
center {number} Center vector (array of 3 numbers)
up {number} Up vector (array of 3 numbers)

function yg.math.Trafo.lookAt()

Points the negative Z axis (Z-) of the transform to center point, with transform origin eye, respecting up vector up. Typically used to create an extrinsic camera matrix to generate a view matrix during rendering.

yg.math.Trafo.lookAt(eye, center, up) -> void

Argument Type Info
eye {number} Eye (origin) vector (array of 3 numbers)
center {number} Center vector (array of 3 numbers)
up {number} Up vector (array of 3 numbers)

function yg.math.Trafo.lerp()

Performs linear interpolation of this transform to target transform by using interpolation factor t in [0,1].

yg.math.Trafo.lerp(t, target, dst) -> void

Argument Type Info
t number Interpolation factor in [0,1]
target yg.math.Trafo Target transform to interpolate to
dst yg.math.Trafo Destination (output) transform

function yg.math.Trafo.setIdentity()

Resets the transform. Resulting matrix is identity.

yg.math.Trafo.setIdentity() -> void

function yg.math.Trafo.getAxisLocal(ax)

Returns a local axis of the transform (array of 3 numbers), expressed in world system.

yg.math.Trafo.getAxisLocal(ax) -> {number}

Argument Type Info
ax string Desired axis. Options: "X", "Y", "Z"

function yg.math.Trafo.getAxisGlobal(ax)

Returns a global axis of the transform (array of 3 numbers).

  • "X" -> {1, 0, 0}
  • "Y" -> {0, 1, 0}
  • "Z" -> {0, 0, 1}

yg.math.Trafo.getAxisGlobal(ax) -> {number}

Argument Type Info
ax string Desired axis. Options: "X", "Y", "Z"

function yg.math.Trafo.getEye()

Returns the eye (origin) of the transform (array of 3 numbers).

yg.math.Trafo.getEye() -> {number}

function yg.math.Trafo.getRotation()

Returns the rotation of the transform as a quaternion (array of 4 numbers).

yg.math.Trafo.getRotation() -> {number}

function yg.math.Trafo.getScale()

Returns the scale of the transform (array of 3 numbers).

yg.math.Trafo.getScale() -> {number}

class yg.math.Camera

Represents a camera with extrinsics (pose in world) and intrinsics (projection) in 3-dimensional space.


yg.math.Camera() -> yg.math.Camera

function yg.math.Camera.setPerspective()

Sets the camera to PERSPECTIVE projection mode.

yg.math.Camera.setPerspective(fovy, aspect, zNear, zFar) -> void

Argument Type Info
fovy number Vertical (Y) field of view [degrees]
aspect number Aspect ratio (width/height = X/Y)
zNear number Distance of near clipping plane
zFar number Distance of far clipping plane

function yg.math.Camera.setOrthographic()

Sets the camera to ORTHOGRAPHIC projection mode.

yg.math.Camera.setOrthographic(height, aspect, zNear, zFar) -> void

Argument Type Info
height number Height of the view cuboid
aspect number Aspect ratio (width/height = X/Y)
zNear number Distance of near clipping plane
zFar number Distance of far clipping plane

function yg.math.Camera.setFovy()

Sets the vertical (Y) field of view. Always set but only valid during PERSPECTIVE projection mode.

yg.math.Camera.setFovy(fovy) -> void

Argument Type Info
fovy number Vertical (Y) field of view [degrees]

function yg.math.Camera.setHeight()

Sets the height of the view cuboid. Always set but only valid during ORTHOGRAPHIC projection mode.

yg.math.Camera.setHeight(height) -> void

Argument Type Info
height number Height of the view cuboid

function yg.math.Camera.setAspect()

Sets the projection aspect ratio. Valid for both PERSPECTIVE and ORTHOGRAPHIC projection modes.

yg.math.Camera.setAspect(aspect) -> void

Argument Type Info
aspect number Aspect ratio (width/height = X/Y)

function yg.math.Camera.setZNear()

Sets the distance of the near clipping plane. Valid for both PERSPECTIVE and ORTHOGRAPHIC projection modes.

yg.math.Camera.setZNear(zNear) -> void

Argument Type Info
zNear number Distance of near clipping plane

function yg.math.Camera.setZFar()

Sets the distance of the far clipping plane. Valid for both PERSPECTIVE and ORTHOGRAPHIC projection modes.

yg.math.Camera.setZFar(zFar) -> void

Argument Type Info
zFar number Distance of far clipping plane

function yg.math.Camera.rotateFirstPerson()

Rotates yaw and pitch angles of camera transform. Pitch is locked to [-pi/2, +pi/2].

yg.math.Camera.rotateFirstPerson(yaw, pitch) -> void

Argument Type Info
yaw number Yaw angle to rotate (add) [Rad]
pitch number Pitch angle to rotate (add) [Rad]

function yg.math.Camera.trafo()

Returns (a reference to) the transform of the camera (extrinsics).

yg.math.Camera.trafo() -> yg.math.Trafo

function yg.math.Camera.castRay()

Casts a ray into the scene through viewport coordinates and returns it as an array of 6 numbers, representing the origin and direction of the ray: {org.x, org.y, org.z, dir.x, dir.y, dir.z}.

yg.math.Camera.castRay(viewportX, viewportY) -> {number}

Argument Type Info
viewportX number X-component of viewport coordinates to cast a ray through
viewportY number Y-component of viewport coordinates to cast a ray through