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Functions for controlling the framework.

function yg.control.exit()

Notifies the application to exit (shut down).

yg.control.exit() -> void

function yg.control.enableFullscreen()

Enables/disables fullscreen mode.

yg.control.enableFullscreen(enable) -> void

Argument Type Info
enable boolean Enable fullscreen. Options: true, false

function yg.control.enableVSync()

Enables/disables vertical sync.

yg.control.enableVSync(enable) -> void

Argument Type Info
enable boolean Enable vertical sync. Options: true, false

function yg.control.enableDrawGui()

Enables/disables drawing of the GUI.

yg.control.enableDrawGui(enable) -> void

Argument Type Info
enable boolean Enable GUI drawing. Options: true, false

function yg.control.catchMouse()

Enables/disables catched mouse.

yg.control.catchMouse(enable) -> void

Argument Type Info
enable boolean Enable catched mouse. Options: true, false

function yg.control.runScript()

Starts execution of another Lua script after shutting down current running script. The current cycle, this function is called in, will be normally executed and rendered.

yg.control.runScript(filename) -> void

Argument Type Info
filename string Filename of the Lua script to run

function yg.control.loadScript()

Loads and executes another Lua script while current script runs. Can be used to import additional code.

yg.control.loadScript(filename) -> void

Argument Type Info
filename string Filename of the Lua script to load