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Classes for 3-dimensional physics. With Bullet physics library under the hood.

class yg.phys.PhysEnv

Represents a physics environment. An instance of this class is mandatory to realize a physics simulation.


yg.phys.PhysEnv() -> yg.phys.PhysEnv

function yg.phys.PhysEnv.setGravity()

Sets the gravity vector of the Physics Environment.

yg.phys.PhysEnv.setGravity(x, y, z) -> void

Argument Type Info
x number X-component of the gravity vector [m/s^2]
y number Y-component of the gravity vector [m/s^2]
z number Z-component of the gravity vector [m/s^2]

function yg.phys.PhysEnv.newBoxShape()

Creates and stores a new Box Shape in the Physics Environment.

yg.phys.PhysEnv.newBoxShape(name, halfX, halfY, halfZ) -> boolean (true on success, false otherwise)

Argument Type Info
name string Name of the new Shape
halfX number Half extends in X-dimension [m]
halfY number Half extends in Y-dimension [m]
halfZ number Half extends in Z-dimension [m]

function yg.phys.PhysEnv.newSphereShape()

Creates and stores a new Sphere Shape in the Physics Environment.

yg.phys.PhysEnv.newSphereShape(name, radius) -> boolean (true on success, false otherwise)

Argument Type Info
name string Name of the new Shape
radius number Radius [m]

function yg.phys.PhysEnv.newCylinderShape()

Creates and stores a new Cylinder Shape in the Physics Environment.

yg.phys.PhysEnv.newCylinderShape(name, radius, height) -> boolean (true on success, false otherwise)

Argument Type Info
name string Name of the new Shape
radius number Radius [m]
height number Height [m]

function yg.phys.PhysEnv.newConeShape()

Creates and stores a new Cone Shape in the Physics Environment.

yg.phys.PhysEnv.newConeShape(name, radius, height) -> boolean (true on success, false otherwise)

Argument Type Info
name string Name of the new Shape
radius number Radius [m]
height number Height [m]

function yg.phys.PhysEnv.deleteShape()

Deletes the Shape with name name from the Physics Environment, if present.

yg.phys.PhysEnv.deleteShape(name) -> boolean (true on success, false otherwise)

Argument Type Info
name string Name of the Shape to delete

function yg.phys.PhysEnv.clearShapes()

Deletes all Shapes from the Physics Environment.

yg.phys.PhysEnv.clearShapes() -> number (Number of Shapes that have been deleted)

function yg.phys.PhysEnv.numShapes()

Returns the number of Shapes contained in the Physics Environment.

yg.phys.PhysEnv.numShapes() -> number

function yg.phys.PhysEnv.newRigidBody()

Creates and stores a new Rigid Body in the Physics Environment.

yg.phys.PhysEnv.newRigidBody(name, shapeName, trafo, info) -> boolean (true on success, false otherwise)

Argument Type Info
name string Name of the new Rigid Body
shapeName string Name of the Shape to apply
trafo yg.math.Trafo Initial pose
info yg.phys.RigidBodyInfo Rigid Body Info

function yg.phys.PhysEnv.deleteRigidBody()

Deletes the Rigid Body with name name from the Physics Environment, if present.

yg.phys.PhysEnv.deleteRigidBody(name) -> boolean (true on success, false otherwise)

Argument Type Info
name string Name of the Rigid Body to delete

function yg.phys.PhysEnv.clearRigidBodies()

Deletes all Rigid Bodies from the Physics Environment.

yg.phys.PhysEnv.clearRigidBodies() -> number (Number of Rigid Bodies that have been deleted)

function yg.phys.PhysEnv.numRigidBodies()

Returns the number of Rigid Bodies contained in the Physics Environment.

yg.phys.PhysEnv.numRigidBodies() -> number

function yg.phys.PhysEnv.getRigidBody()

Returns the Rigid Body with name name, if present. Returns nil otherwise.

yg.phys.PhysEnv.getRigidBody(name) -> yg.phys.RigidBody (may return nil)

Argument Type Info
name string Name of the Rigid Body to get

function yg.phys.PhysEnv.getRigidBodiesStartingWith()

Returns an array of Rigid Bodies with names starting with name.

yg.phys.PhysEnv.getRigidBodiesStartingWith(name) -> {yg.phys.RigidBody} (may return empty array)

Argument Type Info
name string Name prefix of the Rigid Bodies to get

function yg.phys.PhysEnv.tick()

Advances (ticks) the Physics Environment by a given time delta.

yg.phys.PhysEnv.tick(dt) -> void

Argument Type Info
dt number Time delta [seconds]

function yg.phys.PhysEnv.getCollisions()

Returns an array of Collision information that happened since last frame.

yg.phys.PhysEnv.getCollisions() -> {yg.phys.Collision} (may return empty array)

function yg.phys.PhysEnv.rayTest()

Casts a ray and tests its collision in the scene.

yg.phys.PhysEnv.rayTest(eyeX, eyeY, eyeZ, targetX, targetY, targetZ) -> yg.phys.RayTestResult

Argument Type Info
eyeX number X-coordinate of ray origin
eyeY number Y-coordinate of ray origin
eyeZ number Z-coordinate of ray origin
targetX number X-coordinate of target point
targetY number Y-coordinate of target point
targetZ number Z-coordinate of target point

class yg.phys.RigidBodyInfo

Represents a Rigid Body Info structure to be used for Rigid Body creation, via yg.phys.PhysEnv.newRigidBody().


-- Create RigidBodyInfo instance and set some properties
rbInfo = yg.phys.RigidBodyInfo()
rbInfo.mass = 2.5
rbInfo.friction = 0.5
rbInfo.restitution = 0.5


yg.phys.RigidBodyInfo() -> yg.phys.RigidBodyInfo


Property Type Default Info
mass number 1.0 Mass [kg]
linearDamping number 0.0 Linear Damping factor in [0,1]
angularDamping number 0.0 Angular Damping factor in [0,1]
friction number 0.5 Friction in [0,1]
rollingFriction number 0.0 Rolling Friction in [0,1]
spinningFriction number 0.0 Spinning Friction in [0,1]
restitution number 0.0 Restitution in [0,1]
linearSleepingThreshold number 0.8 Linear Sleeping Threshold in [0,1]
angularSleepingThreshold number 1.0 Angular Sleeping Threshold in [0,1]
kinematic boolean false If true, the Rigid Body will be kinematic
disableDeactivation boolean false if true, the Rigid Body will have disabled deactivation

class yg.phys.RigidBody

Represents a Rigid Body.

function yg.phys.RigidBody.getTrafo()

Returns the current pose (Trafo) of the Rigid Body.

yg.phys.RigidBody.getTrafo() -> yg.math.Trafo

function yg.phys.RigidBody.setTrafo()

Sets the Rigid Body to a new pose (Trafo).

yg.phys.RigidBody.setTrafo(trafo) -> void

Argument Type Info
trafo yg.math.Trafo Trafo to set

function yg.phys.RigidBody.setRestitution()

Sets the Restitution of the Rigid Body.

yg.phys.RigidBody.setRestitution(restitution) -> void

Argument Type Info
restitution number Restitution to set in [0,1]

function yg.phys.RigidBody.setFriction()

Sets the Friction of the Rigid Body.

yg.phys.RigidBody.setFriction(friction) -> void

Argument Type Info
friction number Friction to set in [0,1]

function yg.phys.RigidBody.setSleepingThresholds()

Sets the Sleeping Thresholds of the Rigid Body.

yg.phys.RigidBody.setSleepingThresholds(linear, angular) -> void

Argument Type Info
linear number Linear sleeping threshold to set in [0,1]
angular number Angular sleeping threshold to set in [0,1]

function yg.phys.RigidBody.setLinearFactors()

Sets the Linear Factors of the Rigid Body.

yg.phys.RigidBody.setLinearFactors(x, y, z) -> void

Argument Type Info
x number X-component linear factor to set in [0,1]
y number Y-component linear factor to set in [0,1]
z number Z-component linear factor to set in [0,1]

function yg.phys.RigidBody.setAngularFactor()

Sets the Angular Factors of the Rigid Body from a single value which is applied to all axes.

yg.phys.RigidBody.setAngularFactor(angFac) -> void

Argument Type Info
angFac number Angular factor to set in [0,1]

function yg.phys.RigidBody.setAngularFactors()

Sets the Angular Factors of the Rigid Body from individual values for x-,y-,z-components.

yg.phys.RigidBody.setAngularFactors(x, y, z) -> void

Argument Type Info
x number X-component angular factor to set in [0,1]
y number Y-component angular factor to set in [0,1]
z number Z-component angular factor to set in [0,1]

function yg.phys.RigidBody.applyCentralForce()

Applies a central force to the Rigid Body. The force F is applied to the Rigid Body for the time delta t of the next simulation step only.

Example: Applying a force F=5N for t=1s changes the velocity of a Rigid Body with mass m=1kg like so (damping etc. ignored):

dV = F  * t  / m
dV = 5N * 1s / 1kg
dV = 5m/s

yg.phys.RigidBody.applyCentralForce(x, y, z) -> void

Argument Type Info
x number X-component central force to apply [N]
y number Y-component central force to apply [N]
z number Z-component central force to apply [N]

function yg.phys.RigidBody.applyCentralImpulse()

Applies a central impulse to the Rigid Body. The impulse is immediately applied to the Rigid Body as if a force F was applied for a time t. Unit: [N*s] (newton-second).

Example: Applying an impulse J=5Ns changes the velocity of a Rigid Body with mass m=1kg like so (damping etc. ignored):

dV = J   / m
dV = 5Ns / 1kg
dV = 5m/s

yg.phys.RigidBody.applyCentralImpulse(x, y, z) -> void

Argument Type Info
x number X-component central impulse to apply [N*s]
y number Y-component central impulse to apply [N*s]
z number Z-component central impulse to apply [N*s]


Property Type Info
name string Name of the Rigid Body

class yg.phys.Collision

Represents a Collision between two Rigid Bodies.

class yg.phys.RayTestResult

Represents the result of a ray test.