No Matches
Namespace List
Here is a list of all namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 NmygameUser functions that are linked to and called by the yourgame library framework
 NaudioAudio playback related functions
 NcontrolFramework control functions
 NfileFile and path related functions
 NglGl classes and functions
 NinputInput functions
 NlogLogging functions
 NmathMath related classes
 CConfigParticle system configuration
 NtimeTime measure related functions
 NutilUtility classes
 CAssetManagerUtility to store and request pointers, and to delete dynamically allocated objects, by name
 CCollisionRepresents a Collision between two rigid bodies
 CPhysEnvRepresents a Physical Environment
 CRayTestResultRepresents the result of a ray test
 CRigidBodyRepresents a rigid body, holding a void pointer to an underlying implementation
 NversionVersion related constants