Nmygame | User functions that are linked to and called by the yourgame library framework |
▼Nyourgame | |
Naudio | Audio playback related functions |
Ncontrol | Framework control functions |
Nfile | File and path related functions |
▼Ngl | Gl classes and functions |
CBuffer | |
CDrawConfig | |
▼CFramebuffer | |
CTextureAttachDescr | |
CGeometry | |
CLightsource | |
CParticles | |
CShader | |
▼CShape | |
CArrBufferDescr | |
CElemArrBufferDescr | |
CSpriteGrid | |
CTexture | |
CTextureConfig | |
CTextureCoords | |
Ninput | Input functions |
Nlog | Logging functions |
▼Nmath | Math related classes |
CCamera | |
▼CParticles | |
CConfig | Particle system configuration |
CTrafo | |
Ntime | Time measure related functions |
▼Nutil | Utility classes |
Npostproc | |
CAssetManager | Utility to store and request pointers, and to delete dynamically allocated objects, by name |
CCollision | Represents a Collision between two rigid bodies |
CImage | |
CMotion | |
CPhysEnv | Represents a Physical Environment |
CRayTestResult | Represents the result of a ray test |
CRigidBody | Represents a rigid body, holding a void pointer to an underlying implementation |
CRigidBodyInfo | |
Nversion | Version related constants |
▼Nyourgame_internal | |
Nandroid | |
Ndesktop | |
▼Nfile | |
Nandroid | |
Ndesktop | |
Ngl | |
▼Ninput | |
Nandroid | |
Ndesktop | |
CInputValue | |
Nlog | |
Ntime | |
▼Nutil | |
Nassets | |
Npostproc |